Thursday, July 3, 2008

Question of the Day

If you could own any of the cars in the book (Bella's truck, Rosalie's BMW...), which would you choose? Why?

7 enjoyed the bouquet.:

heatheryruth said...

Alice's Yellow Porsche. Why....cuz it's small, fast and yellow! (which is my fave color!)

Ryah said...

I would like Rosalie's red BMW. I like the wind flowing through my hair.

Erin said...

I want Charlie's cruiser. Then I could "woop woop" the siren and scare people. It has authority.

Jes said...

I cant believe I didn't think of this question! love it!

It's a tie between Emmett's Jeep- cause i lurve Jeeps and Rosalies BMW- Cause who doens't feel cool in a convertable?

Anonymous said...

I want Edward's 'Special Occasion' Car, the Aston Martin. Nothing beats the Aston Martin!

alison said...

If you are like me and dont pay attentin to car talk, you should check out this link on SMs website where she has car pics

At first, I wanted Jacob's rabbit, cause its cute and kind of But I think I would pick the jeep. Aston Martin would be my #2 car.

Corinne said...

I'll take Bella's new Guardian. I'd love feeling really safe driving where I have to drive for my job.